Here are links of organizations that may be a great blessing to you. Let us know if you have a related ministry that you would like us to add to our list:
Our Other Website:
- Perfect Soundness Coaching (health and wellness coaching)
Courses, Colleges And Schools
Evangelism/Training Schools and Centers
- Amazing Facts Center Of Evangelism
- ARISE Institute
- Black Hills Health & Evangelism Center
- CORE Evangelism
- Emmanuel Institute
- Hartland College Missionary Training School
- LIGHT (Lay Institute for Global Health Training)
- MEET Ministry Training School
- OYiM (One Year In Mission)
- Reach The World Next Door
- SALT (Soul Winning And Leadership Training)
Lifestyle & Health Centers
- Eden Lifestyle (New York)
- Eden Valley (Colorado)
- MEET Ministry (Tennessee)
- NEWSTART (California)
- Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center (Alabama)
- Wildwood (Georgia)
Media Ministries
- 3ABN
- Amazing Discoveries
- Amazing Facts Media Ministry
- Audioverse
- Belt Of Truth Ministries
- Little Light Ministries
- Power Of The Lamb Ministries
- PTH Ministries
- Shepherd’s Call Ministry
Misc/Other Websites
- ASI Ministries [Adventist Laymen-Services & Industries]
- Love In The Making [Relationships, Identity, Sexuality]
- North American Division Health Ministries
Mission Minded (Mission Trips) Websites
- Adventist Frontier Missions
- ASAP Missions
- He Said Go
- Maranatha Volunteers International
- Quiet Hour Ministries
Personal/Encouragement Websites
Relief/Humanitarian Websites
- ADRA (Adventist Development & Relief Agency
- Build & Restore
- NAPS (National Assoc. for the Prevention of Starvation)
- VUNA International
Youth Minded